The Crab Fragment Map Room
“If you can’t find it here., we’re not trying hard enough!”
Welcome to the center of everything.
The Map Room is located on the main floor of Crab Fragment Cay’s friendliest destination, the Cliffside Hideaway Resort! Our island has many beautiful destinations, and we have built this extensive Map Room to help you find them.
The Shop: A store filled with free game PDFs that you may also buy.
Games Page: The main landing page for all games, with links to category pages:
Board Room: Thematic board Games. Robust, weighty, profound
Card Room: Thematic card games. Basic, quirky, fast
The Pub: Abstract board, card, and dice games, and more
Game Preserve: Cheapass games from the distant past
Ready Room: Games that need no special parts
DriveThru Links: All the games you can order from DriveThruCards
You can find an alphabetical list of Crab Fragment Games just below, and a list of the Cheapass Games at the Game Preserve.
Points of Interest:
Schedule: James Ernest’s complete travel and convention schedule
Blog: Read about James Ernest’s thoughts and adventures
Lecture Hall: Practical design articles and videos
Library: Works of fiction and things to read
Gallery: James Ernest’s graphic design portfolio
Boutique: Bespoke game designs for the ultra-wealthy
About Us: Learn who we think we are and what we think we’re doing
External Links:
Patonage: Our Patreon page. Patrons earn early access and wholesome joy
Print Shop: Order our games from DriveThruCards
Gift Shop: Buy Crab Fragment merchandise at Zazzle
Cinema: View James Ernest’s YouTube channel.
Post Office: To join our electronic mailing list, please click the link at the bottom of any page.
Down the Rathole: Greg Whitehead’s onlline players for some of our best abstract games
The Entire Games List
The Squrespace search box is a fickle demon whom we have not yet learned to appease. So if there’s a particular game you’re looking for, here’s a list of every title. If you are looking for something you can’t find, please let us know.
Crab Fragment Games
After the Fog: A large territory-control game for 2-6 players
Agents of the Crown: A fast-playing political game for 4 players, using a standard poker deck
Barcelona: A two-player bluffing game for the poker deck, found at the Ready Room
Baronet: A trick-taking game with the Vines Deck
Bishop: A trick-taking game with the Vines Deck
Bitin’ Off Hedz: An update to the classic Cheapass dinosaur racing game
Blossom Deck: A 6-suited deck related to the Island Deck
Bread Basket: A cute little sandwich-making card game
Bulldog: A gambling game for the Blossom Deck, found with the Island Deck
Chevalier: A trick-taking game with the Vines Deck
Cold Comfort: A strategy board game about hospitality in the Yukon
Copper Creek: A town-building tile game for 3 to 6 players
Coralon: The basic trick-taking game with the Vines Deck
Cowards: A two-player bluffing game for the Blossom Deck, found with the Island Deck
Down the Well: A family game for the Island Deck
Ducks and Geese: A trick-taking game with the Vines Deck
Ducks in a Bucket: A press-your-luck dice game for 2-6 players
El Oso: A solitaire board game
Fairmarket: A three-suited deck with several games, including one called Fairmarket
FALLING: A real-time game where everyone is falling and the object is to hit the ground last
Fightopia: A two-player abstract, one of the tiny free games at the Ready Room
Fist: A chess-like game from The Verdigris Pawn, by Alysa Wishingrad
Flip: A two-player abstract game, one of the tiny free games at the Ready Room
The Forest: A driving game, one of several described in this 2021 blog post.
The Fractured Flat: An abstract area-control board game
Gloria Mundi: A board game about the fall of Rome for 2-6 players, now in English!
Gunfight: A shootout game with a poker deck, one of the tiny free games at the Ready Room
The Harvest: A compact strategy game in just 36 cards
Holdout: A gambling game for the Postas Deck, found on the Vines page
Island Deck: A six-suited deck with several original games
Letter Boxing: A clever word game with bluffing, for two players
Linos: An abstract game of twelve stones
Littlebeard: A sailing miniatures game for your own favorite minis
Lobo: A solitaire game for the Postas Deck, found on the Vines page
Mapple: An abstract area-control game played with pocket change
Pairs: A collection of more than 50 games that aren’t on this list!
Papa: A trick-taking game for the Whispers deck
Paradise Road: A dice-based road rally game for 2 to 4 players.
Pennywise: A classic change-making game, one of the tiny free games at the Ready Room
Pirate’s Bluff: A lightning-fast bluffing game for 3-8 players
Poker Decks: We made some. Learn about them on the Pub Games page
Postas: A version of the Vines Deck with its own list of original games
Powderkeg: A gambling game for the Island Deck
Prima Carta: A gambling game for the Postas Deck, found on the Vines page
Prudh: A classic-style abstract game with 36 pieces and 36 spaces
Queensland: A two-player abstract game, one of the free games at the Ready Room
Rochi: A gambling game from fiction by Sonia Lyris, now in public beta
Sandy Diggs: A puzzle game of adventures and archaeology
Scurro: A gambling game with the Fairmarket deck
Shipwrights of Marino: A game about shipbuilding for 2-5 players, now in public beta
Showboat: A family game for the Island Deck
Stage Blood: A clever card game about managing Shakespearean actors
Sophisticuffs: An instantaneous icebreaker game for your next special event
Tablero di Berona: A simple abstract board game for 2 players
Tak: A Beautiful Game: A famously awesome abstract game from The Kingkiller Chronicle
Take-Back-Toe: A two-player absrtract game, one of the tiny free games at the Ready Room
Thief: A trick-taking game with the Vines Deck
Tomb of the Ancients: Previous title for Sandy Diggs
Tresotti: A trick-taking game with the Fairmarket Deck
Up and Down: A trick-taking game with the Vines Deck
Vines: A collection of trick-taking games with a five-suited deck
Whispers: A gambling game with an eight-suited deck
Witch Trial: An old-fashioned lawyering game for 3-6 players
Young Jacob Marley: A moneylending game for 2-6 players
Cheapass Games (Back Catalog)
Please visit Cheapassic Park, our island game preserve, for the complete list of Cheapass Games. It’s even longer than this one.