Cold Comfort
Cold Comfort is a simple area-control game about hospitality in the Yukon gold rush. The game has finally made it back to the table after months of testing, and we are exceptionally happy with the results.
If you have been waiting for a stable build for your next playtest, this is it!
Background: Life can be tough for a prospector in the Klondike: frozen soil, bitter weather, and slim pickings in the ground. Their only relief is a trip to Dawson City for hot soup, sharp tools, and top-grade hospitality. As frontier hoteliers, you and your opponents have sailed to the frozen north to offer respite for weary prospectors in exchange for a little of their hard-won gold. So build your hotels, fire up the hearths, and dish out some comfort in the cold.
Cold Comfort is a city-building game of hotel management in the Yukon. Players will earn money by hosting customers in their hotels, and they score points by building up neighborhoods and keeping them occupied.
Printing-and-playing this game will be more challenging that most other games at this site, but we have some helpful videos (with more to come), and we’re looking into new resources with a broader range of components than DriveThruCards. Of course, the ideal path would simply be to print ten thousand copies so that we have something to do for the next twenty years. But one step at a time.
Here are the files you’ll need to make your own copy of Cold Comfort
Cold Comfort City Deck (30 tiles, 4 pages, v3.9 2/18/25)
Cold Comfort Cards (Characters and Citizens, 2 Pages, v3.9 2/18/25)
Cold Comfort Hotels (and scoring tokens, 2 Page, v3.9 2/18/25)
Scoring Track (40 spaces, 1 page)
Cold Comfort Rules (6 Pages, v3.9 2/18/25)
Making the Components:
The City Deck contains 30 tile cards that 2.5” x 3.75”, four pages of art. You can print these on full-sheet labels and affix them to sturdy cardstock, such as a cereal box, then cut them down to size. The file also has one box label, since there was space.
The Cards include six player ID cards and 12 citizens. These cards are never shuffled, so you could make them like the tiles above, or use any other reasonable method for cards.
The Hotels are small squares that you can also affix to cardstock, and then cut to size. This file has two pages in case you want to make your tiles double-sided, and also includes scoring tokens if you need them.
The Scoring Track is a simple one-sheet board that you can also print and affix to cardstock.
In addition to the components above, you will also need 36 dice, some money (tiny poker chips are best), and a ship token (literally any small object will do). If you are using the citizen rules, you’ll also need six tokens and twelve dice of various colors.
Here are some of our how-to videos, related to this project.
Video: Cold Comfort 1 (Building 72 hotels - note that this method is NOT for the files above)
Video: Cold Comfort 2 (Building the City Tiles and Developing the Town Rules)
Video: How to Make Tile Cards
Video: How to Make Cards (Three Ways)
Discount Poker Shop, our source for these great little chips
If you play this game, or need help playing it, please send us your feedback.
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