Agents of the Crown
This is a bluffing game with a standard poker deck, for exactly 4 players.
Each player takes the role of a royal House, struggling to defend the Kingdom from a variety of threats, while also sabotaging their enemies.
But no House stands alone; each player’s score depends on the success of the player to their left!
In the works since 2016, Agents of the Crown may someday have its own custom deck. But for now we’ve written a set of rules that can play with a standard poker deck.
Protect the Realm!
Agents of the Crown is a quick, simple bluffing game for 4 players, with plenty of opportunities for alliances, backstabbing, and risk-taking.
In brief, each player’s House matches one of the four suits, and your score depends on your own cards, as well as the success of the player to your left. Each round, players play four cards from their hand, trying to save the Kingdom from random threats, or ignoring those threats that only hurt their enemies.
This is the first public beta of the Standard Deck rules, so please play the game and let us know what you think!
Agents of the Crown Rules v1.0 PDF
Agents of the Crown was designed by James Ernest, with help from a host of developers and playtesters too numerous to list here. Download, play, and enjoy! The rules also have a completely optional Story section, based on the world of Carrisor.
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