Copper Creek
Welcome to the newest little town in the Old West, Copper Creek! In this simple city-building game, players compete for money and points as they build a boom town one card at a time.
Copper Creek is a print-and-play tile game for 3 to 6 players, with simple rules and interesting choices. You’ll need your own spare parts, listed below, and we hope you’ll enjoy the game and tell us what you think!
Copper Creek is a clever little tile game about building a boom town. With elements of other James Ernest games like Agora and Cube Farm (Cheapass Games) and Lords of Vegas (Mayfair / Lone Shark Games), Copper Creek brings a new flavor of town-building to your tabletop.
Copper Creek is a simple game of give-and-take with plenty of luck and strategy and just a little bit of politics. The most entertaining part is how organically, and realistically, the tiny town grows over time.
The deck is 24 tile cards with one or two buildings on each. Buildings earn money based on their open doors, and they also create income for their neighbors based on the doorways they share.
On each turn, the active player adds one new card to the town, and then decides where to buy a share in any building. If the active player makes a buy, so can everyone else, and this repeats until the active player decides not to buy anything. Once in a while there’s a scoring round, when buildings earn points for their owners, and after the third scoring round, the player with the most points wins!
To play Copper Creek, you have to print your own deck of 24 tile cards, as well as the Train Station board. That’s because these cards are just slightly the wrong shape for our print-on-demand service. So until Copper Creek finds an actual publisher, we are only offering it as a print-and-play.
The game has been more than 15 years in development (on and off, mostly off) but this beta version is still pretty new. Send us your feedback and help us make this game better!
Printing Files:
Copper Creek Rules Version 1.1, 12/4/21
Copper Creek Cards 24 tile cards V 1.0
Copper Creek Board Train Station Scoring Track and Calendar, V 1.0
Copper Creek Label Sheet (Optional) Art for decorating your box, notebook, or little brother.
You Will Also Need:
Small colored stackable tokens or chips, 15-20 per player
Six small stones or coins for marking the calendar track
Play money, about $50 per player
An active player token, which can be literally anything.
Help in Making and Playing:
How to Make Tile Cards Video
How to Make Game Boards Video
How to Play Copper Creek Video
Chips: The very nice micro poker chips in our photos and video are from Discount Poker Shop.
Like many games at Crab Fragment Labs, Copper Creek is a work in progress. If you see anything amiss, please let us know and we’ll fix it!
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