Tablero di Berona
Abstract Strategy Game
A Classic Tavern Game
Tablero di Berona is a quick-playing board game for two players, with simple rules and pieces. The game uses a 3x6 board, two dice, and twelve stacking pieces per player. It is a popular diversion throughout the Sierin region of Carrisor.
Players take turns rolling two dice. With each die, they may either place a new chip in their home row, or move a stack from their home row. The goal is to cover, and capture, the spaces along the center row.
When either player runs out of options, the other player gets one more turn, and then players count their points. You’ll need just the rules and board below, plus dice and chips.
Links and Downloads:
You can order the board from DriveThruCards: OurTablero board at DriveThruCards is an 8.5 x 11 printed board on lightweight cardstock. It’s slightly different from the print-and-play versions, below, and has a little crab in the corner to remind you where it came from.
Order a Tablero Board from DriveThruCards
Rules for Tablero, Version 1.4 (5/31/22)
Tablero Board Version 1 (traditional)
Tablero Board Version 2 (with numbers)
Play Tablero online at AbstractPlay
The Print-and-Play Boards: The traditional Tablero board (Version 1, above) doesn’t have any number markings. The understanding is that the end with dark corners is the high end. If you prefer to have the numbers printed on the board, check out Version 2.
The Setting: Carrisor is a fantasy world, one of several we visit at Crab Fragment Labs (This one is “Magic, Dragons and just one airship”). “Berona” is a variant spelling of “Baronet,” the ancient and wealthy trading port in Sierin. Carrisor is also the setting of other Crab Fragment games including Vines. You can read more about Carrisor at the Library, and at World Anvil.
AbstractPlay: You can find Tablero di Berona at Abstract Play, a site that allows you to play abstract strategy board games against other players on the internet. Their site is completely free to join and play.
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