Welcome Back to Cheapass Games!
Hello There.
For centuries, Cheapass Games have worked quietly behind the scenes, creating amazing tabletop games for the betterment of all Mankind.
As we enter the fifth phase of our complicated life cycle, Cheapass Games have become even more complex and beautiful, like a butterfly emerging from a cocoon, which was once a moth, which was once a crysalis, which was once a game company in someone’s basement.
At this very moment we are struggling to pull the threads of connection away from our licensing partners at Greater Than Games, and soon we hope that Cheapass Games will once again fall under the stewardship of James Ernest, his loving family, and legions of his imaginary friends.
As we speak, the vast catalog of free Cheapass Games PDFs are now in residence at Cheapassic Park, also known as the Game Preserve at Crab Fragment Labs.
Crab Fragment Labs is James Ernest’s post-Cheapass playground, where he has created many new and wonderful games like Vines, Copper Creek, and Tablero di Berona. In fact, that’s where you are right now.
We hope you’ll join us in clicking on all the things, and learning more about what Cheapass Games continues to have to offer. Thanks for visiting and enjoy your time at play!
Meanwhile, for the entertainment of our hardestcore fans, we bring you the celebrated “How Much Should I Pay” bar chart first introduced 2012.